Conference Venue
The MedGU-24 will be hosted at the University of Barcelona, whose headquarters are housed in the iconic Historical Building in Plaza de la Universidad, a space with over 150 years of trace harkening back to a time when there was only one university. MedGU-24 will gain a historical and distinctive touch from this location. Take a tour of the University of Barcelona's Historic Building by clicking on Virtual Tour.

To contextualize ourselves historically, at the end of the War of Succession, Philip V decided to relocate the General Study from Barcelona to Cervera. It was not until 1837 that university studies resumed in Barcelona, and in 1863 the building designed by Elias Rogent y Amat began to rise, which now stands as a symbol of restoration of higher education to the Catalan capital.
Upon entering the Historic Building we find one of the most significant places in the building, its majestic main lobby. An open space composed of three naves, separated from each other by pillars with pairs of columns, which join at the ceiling as groin vaults. As a curious fact, on the capitals of the pillars we can distinguish small shields belonging to each of the different provinces of the kingdom of Spain. The lobby will host coffee breaks and poster sessions during MedGU-24.

Just above the lobby, on the ground floor, we find the most relevant room in the entire facility. This is the Paraninfo (Paranymph Hall), where parts of MedGU-24 will be held, a space that according to Rogent perfectly symbolizes the interests of the university. It occupies the center of the architectural composition, being the transversal axis that unites the Faculty of Sciences and the Faculty of Letters. Unlike the rest of the rooms, the Paraninfo is characterized by its rich decoration, which mixes elements of neo-Mudejar and Plateresque styles (for more information, take a Virtual Tour).

In addition to the Paraninfo, several MedGU-24 sessions will take place every day in conference rooms Aula Capilla and Aula Ramón y Cajal, as well as the spectacular Aula Magna, an auditorium-style chamber filled with a variety of paintings on various themes.
Depending on the need, certain MedGU-24 sessions will be held at the meeting rooms Aula Magna Geografía and Sala Jane Addams of the University of Barcelona's Faculty of Geography and History, which is a short walk from the Historical Building, the major venue of MedGU-24.