Social Program

Icebreaker & Welcome Reception +

The MedGU-24 Organizing Committee cordially invites all participants to an Icebreaker and Welcome Reception. The event will take place on November 25, 2024 at 19:00 (Barcelona Local Time) at the Convention Center (see Program). This will be a wonderful opportunity for all participants to socialize and enhance their involvement.

+ Although participation is free, online registration is necessary.

Gala Dinner ++

The MedGU Gala Dinner is an event not to be missed. This year, it will take place on Tuesday evening, November 26th, at 20:00 in Rumbla restaurant on Rambla de Catalunya in Barcelona (see Program). Join us for authentic Mediterranean cuisine and live music, featuring vibrant Rumblero Ritmo (Catalan rumba).

++ Tickets must be bought at the time of registration; the cost is included in your registration fee.

Rumbla restaurant
A rumba session at Rumbla restaurant (Photo: El Periódico)